I wasn't exactly sure what it was going to be like as I hadn't read any reviews about it, but I needed one and wanted it to be cheap (who wants to spend money on something you can't see anyway!).
First of all is the packing - I get that it is a clear brow gel/clear mascara, but that doesn't mean the packaging has to be clear too. Honestly, it's so unattractive and looks tacky. It would make the world of difference if it had simple black packaging and a nice black lid...oh why Essence, why?!
In terms of holding power, I am pretty impressed. It doesn't have the power to make them stay put during a cyclone, but I can be confident that my brows are still groomed for the majority of the day, even if I do need to give them a quick 'boost' with a swipe of my fingers every now and again.
I didn't want a product that made them look terribly rigid and unnatural, but I did want something that I could rely on to keep them looking half decent - and this was suitable.

One problem that I do have with it is that after using it for about a month, the formula went from lovely and crystal clear to horribly cloudy and gross! I don't know if all mascaras do this and you just can't see it because the tube isn't clear, but seriously - it's awful. I'm am currently debating whether to chuck it and get a new one or continue using it despite the cloudy appearance it currently has.
All up I give this product a 7/10.
I've been looking for a brow gel for aaaages. Would you recommend this one? xx
ReplyDeleteI would recommend this - as mentioned, it is pretty cheap and does the job, although it depends on how much you want it to 'stick' your eyebrows in place...it hasn't got incredible hold. I like the price and that it leaves no visible residue...the cloudy factor really puts me off though! :)
You're right, the packaging isn't too appealing. I'm glad to hear that it does the job though. And it's cheap! xx
ReplyDeleteIt really isn't attractive, but like you said, it works and that is what matters!
Hello Candice, do you know the product composition? is it made of natural oils ?
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Thanks for the comment, I really had no idea but after some research I found the ingredients list - hopefully that is of some use to you!
Bit off topic but have you tried any of the Essence mascaras? I was at target the other day with my mum and since I was on a spending ban and I was shopping with her, I HAD to add some essence cosmetics into her cart lol I was umm-ing and ah-ing over the essence mascaras but didn't end up getting any because they weren't waterproof and I've got so many mascaras already. But I'm still curious about whether they're any good.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the question Abigail, I have in fact tried an Essence mascara. I too seem to have loads of mascaras but I was intruigued by the Essence ones because I had read soooo many reviews about how wonderful and cheap the mascaras were. In the end I went for the Essence 'multi'action' mascara (the one with pink packaging) on sale for about three dollars! I used it for a day and my eyes swelled up and were horribly itchy. I'm pretty sure it was the mascara I had the reaction to, but it is a little strange as I have no allergies and have never ever reacted to makeup before. I know so many other bloggers use this and find it to be lengthening and defining (wonderful value for money) but I can't recommend it because I have only had a negative experience with it. I am still not 100% sure if it actually was the mascara that was the problem, but I haven't been game enough to try it since. I would look around on a few more blogs for different review, and if you have a couple of dollars to spare they are pretty cheap even if you don't end up liking it.