Dear Essence Stay All Day Long Lasting Eyeshadows,
Always one to jump on the bandwagon at the very last second, I picked you up in Priceline when you were on sale for half price due to the fact that you are soon to be discontinued. Though I appreciated the discount at the time, I appreciate it even more now after having gotten to know you and discover that you really aren't anything at all like your cousin Eye Souffle in Pas Des Copper (the most beautiful cream shadow in the world). In fact, initially I was devastated that you were going to be discontinued but this was prior to having worn you on my eyelids you see, and I have since changed my mind and consider it to be a blessing to us all.
When I did carve a somewhat dangerous looking lump out and furiously slap it across my eyelids I found that unless I dragged you painfully back and forth, you did not transfer what could be a beautiful pigmented but rather rolled up in a ball and refused to cooperate. I didn't let you win, of course, and forced you to work, but you were resistant and in the end you won, flaking all over the place and dispersing colour unevenly across my eyelids, making me look ridiculous.
I will, however, grant you one thing - you did last all day, in fact after kicking and screaming during application, you finally settled down and rested on my eyelids, only to hang on tight and refuse to come off when required. I must say, I wasn't at all impressed with your inability to cooperate and I certainly shall not be working with you anytime in the near future.
I know that you call yourselves residents of the great land Essence, but I really don't see it. In my experience Essence products, whilst affordable like yourselves, are of a high quality in beautiful shades and textures. You really do not belong and you are a disappointment.
I am willing to grant you the benefit of the doubt and suggest that perhaps you were just the runt of the litter - that your fellow Stay all day long lasting eyeshadows were of a better quality than you and that you are just old and over it, but you really were hopeless.
I give you 3/10.
Yours sincerely,
Critical Beauty Blogger
Thank GOD! Finally, someone who didn't like these. Everyone around me, blogs and Youtube, seem to looovee these but the one I have is SO SUPER SOLID and not creamy at all?!
ReplyDeletePlus it seemed to stick to my finger and not transfer onto my eyelid.
Definitely agree with you, and love how you set this out as a letter :P
(I find the maybelline color tattoos not that creamy imo).
I found these absolutely hopeless to apply, and like you I couldn't understand it because so many other people seem to love them. They are rock hard and do not transfer. Haha, glad you like the letter form. It was so much fun to write it as a letter to the product, and a nice change from my usual style of reviews. I don't own any of the Maybelline Colour Tattoos simply because when I swatched them in the shop they were horribly dry and solid.
That's disappointing! Good thing they were half price. I have the exact same feelings towards Copy Right and the pink version (for fairies I think), but I really like Glammy Goes To... it must have been from a really good batch but it applies so smoothly and lasts all day.
ReplyDeleteI am pleased that I managed to snag them for half price. How interesting that Glammy goes to is so different from all the others. I appreciate that Essence is a cheaper brand but the inconsistency between their products sometimes is so frustrating.
Love the write up! :)
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you lovely!
Great, honest review!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Haha, cute review! I have to agree for the most part with your critical letter! Though, For Fairies takes a bit of work, it's manageable. I didn't have nearly as tough a time as it sounds like you had!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tashi! These shadows were in no way manageable! They were hopeless!
I looooooove how you set this post out, so creative!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had the chance to try these out yet, and after reading this I don't think I will. Lucky they were half price when you bought them! x
Aww thank you Dawn! I am really glad I picked them up for half price, although it wouldn't have been the end of the world if I did pay full price because Essence products are so cheap anyway!
Absolutely love these!! :) x
ReplyDeleteDid you? I couldn't get them to work at all, I found them absolutely awful!
Hahaha hilarious post! I won't be picking up any of these in the future :)
ReplyDeletewe've seen essence everywhere but always have been too reluctant o try it. Good thing we didn't though! great review hun
Thank you! I am so disappointed because Essence is usually brilliant.
I actually really like these! I think you might of just gotten a dried out batch since they've been out for so long and been opened ( since they dont have any packaging )? My essence gel liner ended up like that ahah. Also with the Maybelline ones - they're extremely dry in the shops because people leave them open in their little displays so they're like rocks. But they're actually extremely creamy . Ps loved the letter style! xx
ReplyDeleteHi Connie! Thank you so much for your comment, I think you are probably right about the Essence packaging influencing the quality of the shadows. It was such a disappointment - I wish Essence just sealed their products like every other brand! It is so good to hear that the Maybelline shadows are better than they seem as testers.
What an amazing review!! I really love the way you write, as I already wrote you in another post I have two of them. "Glammy goes to" and "for fairies". "for fairies" is creamy and works fine but "glammy goes to" is solid.. Perhaps someone had opened it before and it had been dried out, who knows. I guess it's a matter of luck with those.
Oh my goodness, thank you :) I think the only reason that I can come up with for these being so horrible is that someone must have opened it, which is such a shame because they are gorgeous shades. Thanks for commenting!