Monday, November 19, 2012

Toni and Guy Casual Sea Salt Texturising Spray - The quest for curly hair

It is no secret that we all want what we do not have, especially when it comes to hair. It is practically a law that those blessed with curly hair want it straight, and those with long straight locks (like myself) make it their mission to get it curly at all costs. Before you all ask, I have tried curling wands before (every friend and their dog has begged for a shot at curling my hair!) but the curls last approximately half and hour to one hour and they are limp and hideous. I wish I was exaggerating.

It seems like I have always been on a quest to get curly hair, though after trying one too many ineffective sprays/gels/insert other fancy word here, I couldn't see the point in spending money on such things any longer. I went a while, accepting that straight hair was all that I could wish for, until I spotted this little beauty.

I literally could not resist it. I went home and googled several million reviews on the product, and they were actually quite varied. Some claimed it was the most amazing spray they had ever come across - others not so much. I saw it for about $12 in Coles so I went for it. Curly hair, here I come!

Unfortunately, as is to be expected, I didn't get my dream hair. No, there was no magical transformation where I woke up sporting gorgeous voluminous curls, instead I found myself with straight hair, a little more limp and certainly stickier than before.

Despite this little disappointing episode, I decided to continue pursuing my dream hair, giving the product a little assistance. I left my hair in a damp braid overnight and in the morning applied the spray, scrunching and twirling my hair accordingly. It looked awesome...

For about two hours. This is better than past experiences I have had, I will say that, but two hours really doesn't fulfill my perfect-hair desire.

Moving on...I love the packaging of this product. The bottle is this strange texture with glossy print, very much my taste. The spray smells awesome but does leave my hair feeling sticky.

The pump isn't the greatest I have ever come across - it gets jammed and the spray comes out in a gloopy sort of fashion as opposed to an even, fine spray.

All up, this spray really didn't do much for me, even though I desperately wanted it to. I give it 4 out of 10.


  1. I have the driest, frizziest hair, I would die for straight hair!!!

    1. It's always the way, wanting what you don't have! I really need to appreciate my straight hair, it's just looking at the curly headed girls makes me so jealous! :)

  2. I love this product! They reconstruction mask from Toni and Guy is really good :)

    1. I'm glad this product worked for you, it just didn't do much for my hair.

  3. Have you tried Marc Daniel's Go Curly? I think it's about $6 from Priceline. I have limp waves and it brings some life to them and makes soft curls in my hair, might be worth a try if you haven't already. :)

    1. I've not heard of it, thanks for letting me know!


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