Mishelle's blog, aside from having the greatest banner/header, contains makeup looks, hauls, empties, project pans, reviews and favourites. She also has some of the loveliest NOTDs.
Mishelle told me all about how she came up with her blog name, her favourite books and movies and large scale construction projects!
What is the significance of your blog name?
I fall asleep very easily and in almost any situation. If I am tired and sitting still, I will find a way to nap, whether it be in the car, in the movie theatre or at uni on my desk. My boyfriend would sometimes come home from work to find me asleep on the couch, upon which he would wake me up and ask me if it was "Mishelle's Sleepy Time".
What has been the most surprising thing about blogging?
I found it really bizarre the first time someone told me they actually followed my recommendations and picked up some products I had reviewed. I have had readers say to me they have both loved and hated my recommendations, which always surprises me and keeps me on my toes. I try to make my reviews as accurate as possible, so that my readers know what they're really in for with a product. If people wanted to be lied to they would just watch mascara advertisements all day.
What do you have the most of in your makeup collection?
Shame and regret. No actually it's probably eye shadow. I love eye shadow.
What is your dream career?
I am at university to be a construction manager. So my dream job is to co-ordinate large scale construction projects, like hospitals, stadiums or skyscapers. Although I wouldn't go past being a dolphin trainer if I was ever offered the position.
Do you have any secret hobbies?
Does watching terrible reality television whilst cleaning my house count?
What are your favourite books and movies?
I am currently reading George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series and they are phenomenal. Other than fantasy, I do enjoy a good dystopian novel, such as Brave New World or Nineteen Eighty Four. In terms of films, some of my recent favourites have been The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Django Unchained.
Thank you so much Mishelle, it was awesome getting to know a little bit more about you!
If you would like to nominate a blogger to be featured, please don't hesitate to let me know by emailing me at candiceyoureview@yahoo.com
Aww the reason behind her blog name is so cute! And she does have a fantastic blog banner.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading her answers and she has a lovely blog :)
Her answers were so interesting! I love the story behind her blog name too.
Thanks so much for featuring me! I'm glad you found my answers interesting :) I need to do more get to know me tags I think ;)
ReplyDeleteYou certainly do - I would love to know more about you :)
I love Mishelle's blog! Haha, the story behind her blog name is so cute - I could do with some sleepy time right now!
ReplyDeleteI think we could all do with some sleepy time! :)
I LOVE her :) It was interesting to read how she got her blog name. xx
ReplyDeleteYay :) She has a lovely blog.
Ohh I love Mishelle she's such a cutie! I'm the same as her though, I can easily fall asleep absolutely anywhere haha! Not too good :P
I wish I could fall asleep with ease! I am hopeless.
we love the perks of being a wallflower!